Thursday, January 6, 2011

You and I

You and I

You held my tiny hands,
You helped me learn to walk
You made me take a stand
You taught me how to talk

I laughed at you and ran
I tried it on my own
I was a useless man
I felt my spirit moan

You soothed my troubled mind
You took me day by day
You broke the bread and wine
You taught me how to pray

I listened but i stumbled
I tried to learn but failed
I feared and i grumbled
I felt weary and assailed

You held my weary soul
You endured for me the pain
You made my life whole
You walked me through the rain

I felt ashamed and troubled
I knew of my disgrace
I felt useless, empty, dull
I tried to hide my face

You led me through my life
You loved me through my shame
You took me step by step
You lit my heart aflame

I was trapped in prison walls
I was hungry and in need
I watched you save us all
I saw my savior bleed

You paid for my release
You took me from disgrace
You gave me lasting peace
You gave me an embrace

I knew that I was free
I saw you take my place
I laughed with joy and glee
I felt your loving grace

You guide me day and night
You showed me how to love
You taught me wrong from right
You lead me from above

I learn more love each day
I daily see and learn
I daily watch and pray
I watch for your return


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